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What's new on SimAgri ?

Important Information

After several months of inactivity on SimAgri, and after reflection and discussion, the game's creative team decided to regretfully stop future development of the simulation, after more than 15 years of existence.

Technical maintenance will still be provided over the next few months.

Closing agricultural fair simagri

The SimAgri agricultural fair closed its doors yesterday. The equipment presented is now available in new.

The value of licenses for dealers have also been updated.

Closing agricultural fair simagri

The SimAgri agricultural fair closed its doors yesterday. The equipment presented is now available in new.

The value of licenses for dealers have also been updated.

Expand an artificial pond

You can now expand an artificial pond that is full to 5% of its capacity. An option to completely empty the artificial pond has also been added.

Group annual maintenance

You can now make a group call for a workshop to come and do the annual maintenance of your equipment 🔧. This function does not combine the orders into one, you will have a travel cost per material as before. A blue key is displayed in the list of your equipment to warn you that the equipment is awaiting maintenance.

Machines ranges update

Several machines are not available as brand new ones anymore :

- Case IH : 4 machines are not built anymore
- Ploeger : 1 machine is not built anymore
- Rolland : 3 machines are not built anymore
- Same : 3 machines are not built anymore

These machines have been replaced by new models during the last SimAgri Show

New challenges

We have just added 3 new challenges 🥇:
- Your best Market / Wholesaler turnover
- Your best wool / down turnover
- Do the most work in your forests

Dealer: purchase new equipment

Dealers can now order up to 100 hardware at one time from manufacturers. We took the opportunity to group purchases and only generate one line on the account journal ...

New equipment pre-orders

You can now pre-order new equipment from dealers in your region. A deposit of 5% of the amount of the equipment will be debited and returned if the transaction takes place. Otherwise it is the concessionaire who will recover the deposit. Pre-orders must be completed within 7 days.

Fill the water ton

We have just divided by 10 the quantity of AP needed to fill your water tons from a tank. For example for 10,000 liters, you will now need only 1 AP.

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